Autore: @dministratorMongiusti
LULLABY n.1 in Do minore Op.12. Si tratta di un piccolo notturno per piano solo composto a Cesena il 13 Novembre 2007, pubblicato a Milano il 3 Aprile 2013. Fa parte di una serie di ninna nanne ideate come brani di chiusura nei concerti di fine anno degli studenti dell’Istituto di Cultura Musicale Arcangelo Corelli…
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The production was bigger, with colorful graphics flashing on the huge screens around them, but the music remained rooted in the band’s commitment to jagged rock and blues. “Let’s get moving,” said singer-guitarist Dan Auerbach, wearing a studded black motorcycle jacket and drilling right into the tortured echo and stutter of “Howlin’ for You,” fleshed…
2018 Tour Announced
The Band is set to conquer 2014 with plans for a massive North American tour. The band, minus founding bassist, will embark on a 33-city tour from mid-January to March with support from Best Coast, Cults and Fidlar. The band released a four-track called EP-1 on September 3rd, following bassist’s departure from the band earlier…
Crossroads Festival 2013 Review
Eric Clapton was the opening act of his own Crossroads Guitar Festival on April 12. He took the stage at New York’s Madison Square Garden just before the official starting time of 7:30, as if he couldn’t wait to get the night going. Seated with an acoustic guitar, dressed in shades of gray and wearing…
Secret Influences Behind The Last Album
Going to Carnival for the first time and seeing rara music, which is a kind of street music with all of these horns and African percussion. I remember being on a beach at three in the morning, and there was a voodoo drummer playing, and he had been dancing for like, four hours with kids…
A conversation with Jimmy Page and Robert Plant
John Paul Jones, Led Zeppelin’s bassist and keyboard player, was quietly playing backgammon and half listening to a phone-in radio talk show on New York FM. “I was in a club last night when someone asked me if I wanted to meet Jimmy Page,” the show’s host suddenly offered between calls. “You know, when I…
Black Keys Join Rolling Stones Onstage
Over 10 years and seven albums, Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney have turned their basement blues project into one of America’s mightiest bands. Weaned on Stax 45s and Wu-Tang loops, the Black Keys smeared the lines between blues, rock, R&B and soul, with Auerbach’s horny Howlin Wolf yowl bouncing off garage-y slashing and nasty body-rocking…
JamSession Theme Documentation
Contents – Quick Navigation Installation How To Create a Maintenance page How to Create The Main Menu Main Slider – Create Main Slider Page For The Built In Slider Main Slider – Create Main Slider Page For Slider Revolution Main Slider – How To Create Slides For The Built In Slider Using Theme Customizer With…